10th Anniversary Event Sponsorship Opportunities
Saturday, November 13, 2021
6:00 – 7:00 pm: Champagne Reception for Gold and Silver Patrons, Penthouse
7:00 – 10:00 pm: Main Event, Club Room
Virage Bayshore, 3401 Bayshore Boulevard, Tampa
All proceeds benefit TampaBay-Job-Links, now a program of Gulf Coast JFCS.
Pandemic conditions will be closely monitored. If necessary for the safety of our guests, a Covid “rain date” will be identified in early 2022.
For More Information
If you have questions about our event, please contact Sue Farley at marketing@gcjfcs.org or 727-479-1800.
- Logo/name on the event invitation (mailing list of 1,000+)
- Logo/name included on all event promotional materials/social media
- Logo/name acknowledged on the event registration web page and website home page
- Logo/name on event signage and acknowledgment at the event
- Name included in press release
- Option to speak at the event
- Admission for 8 to attend the Champagne Reception and Main Event
- Logo/name included as a sponsor of TBJL programming for a year
- Name listed on the event invitation (mailing list of 1,000+)
- Name included on all event promotional materials/social media
- Name on event signage and acknowledgment at the event
- Admission for 6 to attend the Champagne Reception and Main Event
- Name listed on the invitation
- Name on event signage and acknowledgment at the event
- Admission for 2 to attend the Champagne Reception and Main Event
- Name listed on the invitation (mailing list of 1,000+)
- Name included on all event promotional materials
- Name on event signage and acknowledgment at the event
- Admission for 4 to attend the Champagne Reception and Main Event